Md. Anwarul Islam and Shohana Akter have been announced as the 3rd Prize winners!
TLT Desk
8 June 2019
The 2019 International Paper Contest (IPC) committee, with jury members in China, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Turkey, and Zimbabwe has recently announced the contest winners names!
The paper titled “Perceived Value of Social Media in Students’ Participation in Social Movement: A Developing Country Perspective” by Md. Anwarul Islam and Shohana Akter, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh has been selected for the 3rd place in this competition.
Shohana Bhuiyan Shathi was a master’s thesis student of Md. Anwarul Islam in 2018. Anwar supervised her to conduct the study on “Perceived Value of Social Media in Students’ Participation in Social Movements: A Developing Country Perspective.”