Webinar on “Acceleration of health information literacy: preparing multi-lingual covid-19 contents for South Asia region” will be held on 18 December 2021
An international webinar entitled “Acceleration of health information literacy: preparing multi-lingual covid-19 contents for South Asia region” to be jointly organized by the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) South Asia Chapter and Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka. The webinar will be held on 18 December, 2021 at 6:00 PM online via Zoom.
Zoom https://bdren.zoom.us/j/66643317056?pwd=UXc3ZFUxNnZCUHFUMnRtUTBBSXUvQT09
Professor Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Honourable Vice Chancellor, University of Dhaka will grace the occasion as Chief Guest. Professor Dr. Md. Nasiruddin Munshi, Department of Information Science and Library Management & Librarian (In Charge) of Dhaka University Library will be present as Special Guest.
The keynote paper will be presented by Dr. Samuel K. W. Chu, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. Professor Dr. S.M.Zabed Ahmed, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka will lead the discussion with Professor Dr. Md. Shiful Islam (Chairman of ISLM Department, DU), Dr. Dilara Begum (Chairman, Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East-West University), A.K.M. Eamin Ali Akanda (Chairman of ISLM Department, RU) and Razina Alam (Head of Library), Bangladesh Shishu Academy.
The webinar will highlight how we could accelerate health information literacy for the South Asia region. Under the current project, we have created a YouTube channel titled ‘ASIS&T South Asia Chapter’ where videos are available in five languages- Bangla, English, Hindi, Urdu, and Sinhalese. We are also arranging international Digital Story Writing Competition for primary and secondary students from around the world on the COVID-19 theme. Do encourage your kids to submit ideas/stories.
More details about the project and team members
Project: ‘Dealing with COVID-19 and saving people’s lives in South Asia (SA) areas & beyond – A health informatics promotion project’
Who we are :
The Librarian Times is the media partner of this webinar.
Your presence at the webinar will be deeply appreciated and will help (ASIS&T) South Asia Chapter make the webinar a success.