icddr,b Library and Information Services host Research4Life Master Trainer Course for East Asia region
Md. Shafiur Rahman
Senior Library Officer, Library & Information Services
icddr,b Library, in collaboration with Research4life and the Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA), hosted a four day virtual Research4Life Master Trainer Course for the East Asia Region from 6 to 9 September 2021 successfully. The master trainer course aims to improve and enhance participants’ training skills for Research4Life new integrated portal to train Library uses in their respective libraries for maximum usage of Resecr4Life online resources. Fifty information professionals from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal have participated in this program. Mr M. Al Mamun, in charge, icddr,b Library, served as the Lead Trainer and coordinator for this course.
This training was facilitated by the world’s leading librarians and trainers. Among them were Dr Gracian Chimwaza (ITOCA’s Executive Director), Ms Mercy Moyo, and Ms Marcia Mabhula from ITOCA in South Africa; Dr Lenny Rhine, coordinator of Librarians Without Borders from the USA; Ms Gehane Al Garray from WHO/EMRO; Mr Chandra Bhushan Yadav from Nepal, Ms Kathy Kwan, Former Librarian, National Library of Medicine (PubMed) from the USA, Mr Shafiur Rahman, icddr,b Library, and Mr A.K.M. Nurul Alam Apu from the Bangladesh Bank Library.
The closing ceremony of the course was on 9 September 2021. Ms Armana Ahmed, Head, Research Administration, icddr,b; Mr Stephen Wyber, Manager of Policy and Advocacy, IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutes); Dr Gracian Chimwaza, Executive Director of ITOCA and Mr Winston Roberts, Chair of the Regional Division Committee, Asia and Oceania section of IFLA, were present at the closing ceremony. Mr Roberts and Mr Wyber were very much pleased about this program and expressed hope that IFLA would collaborate in the future. Ms Ahmed emphasized the importance of collaboration and the role of librarians throughout this training. She expressed gratitude to everyone, including Research4Life, ITOCA, and the icddr,b library team, for making the program a grand success. The program ended with a vote of thanks from M. Al Mamun.