IFLA Launches Nominations Process for Over 800 Positions on Committees
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) officially opened the nominations process for more than 800 positions across its numerous committees. The six-week nomination period provides an opportunity for library professionals from all corners of the globe to step forward and contribute to shaping the future of the profession.
This is a call to action for individuals who are committed to driving positive change in librarianship. IFLA is seeking candidates with energy, expertise, and a passion for empowering its Governing Board, councils, and committees. The organisation emphasises the need for active and dedicated professionals from diverse backgrounds to participate fully in initiatives that advance the global library field.
From strategic policy discussions to hands-on committee work, the positions cater to a wide range of interests and expertise. These roles offer a chance to bring international perspectives into action, fostering a vibrant and inclusive professional environment.