A.K.M. Nurul Alam (Apu)
A.K.M. Nurul Alam familiar in his nick name Apu is a devoted library professionals in the country. He received his BA (Hons.) & MA in Information Science and Library Management from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mr. Alam started his career at UN Information Centre as Library and IT Assistant and currently working at Bangladesh Bank Library as Deputy Director.
He is involved with various voluntary works. He took part in various Information Literacy Training Programme for secondary level students and involved in professional development and consultancy activities.
Being a library professional, Mr. Alam is actively working with web programming as well as graphics designing and video editing. He is the developer of BALID membership management system, Periodicals Circulation System at Bangladesh Bank Library as well as the website of BALID and CIS,B. Mr. Alam received extensive training on RFID based library system (implementation, use and troubleshooting) from 3M Singapore (held in Bangladesh and Singapore) with practical experience. He is the localization contributor (Bangla) of Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) – a popular web based library management system having digital library support. He is also the Country Coordinator of SLiMS Bangladesh.
He is a member of different professional associations like Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) and Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB).