Public Library Campaign held at Divisional Government Public Library, Rangpur
Ahasan, Dhaka, May 19, 2019
A two day long Public Library Campaign was held at Divisional Public Library, Rangpur from 6-7 April 2019. During the Public Library Campaign, several events including discussion ceremony, debate and drawing competition for children, storytelling were arranged. The event was open for all.
LU Mentioned it in a very lucrative way “Your Library ‘ let’s go the library, let’s see you and everyone around you are invited to this event of the possibility of possibilities.“ They found little fairies in the library as the story-tellers. The dynamic and happy debaters enjoyed the intellectual sparring. The winners of the different competitions received their awards and certificates. LU team arranged discussions on women-friendly libraries and the business community also discussed the scopes of their participation in improving the services of libraries in another session The idea of utilizing library services for the development of small and medium enterprises is quite new but well discussed by participants for this very special session of the day.