Tanveer,NSU, Dhaka, 30 June 2018

Lynne Barrow, Associate Dean (International), University of Hull, the UK with her team visited North South University Library yesterday (25 June 2018) accompanied by Dr Katherine Li, Director, Office of External Affairs, NSU. The purpose of the visit was to explore the NSU Library overall facilities, resources, access to information, research support, library space, the effect of services etc. prior to signing MOU. University Librarian, Dr Md. Zahid Hossain Shoeb outlined the strength and facilities of NSU Library mentioning the effective use of Main Study Hall, Cyber Center, Reference Section, Researchers Area, Archival Section, Quiet Study Area, General Study Area, Faculty Corner etc. which offering a calm, quiet, neutral space, where NSU Library users can access resources and information for work, research or leisure. Unlike these areas, students have a great affinity to the large Study Hall due to group discussion facilities.
Dr Zahid also discoursed that NSU Library is the pioneer of using state-of-the-art RFID technology, e-resource subscription, use of library research tools and training programme for the faculty members and the graduate as well undergrad students. The visitors appreciated the efforts of NSU Library. Sr. Asst Librarian, Mr MM Shoeb, Assistant Librarian, Md. Abdul Hakim, Library officer Tanveer Ahsanofficers other and support staff were also present during this visit.