TLT Awards 2018
TLT Excellence Student Award 2018
Mst. Tazrin Khatun from Rajshahi University wins TLT Excellence Student Award 2018.

Mst. Tazrin Khatun from Rajshahi University wins TLT Excellence Student Award 2018
Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Rajshahi has nominated Masters’ student Mst. Tazrin Khatun (Roll: 13212904) for the award. She stood First in her B.S.S (Honours) Part-4 Examination, 2016 with a CGPA 3.560 out of 4.0. She is now pursuing her Masters final examination in the same.
Mst. Tazrin Khaan was born in 1994 at Chapainawabganj district. Her fatherh Md. Sazahan
Ali and mother Mst. Nasima Begum. She wants to contribute her knowledge in the library
and information field.
TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2018
Mr. A K M Nurul Alam from Bangladesh Bank Library wins TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2018.

Mr. A K M Nurul Alam from Bangladesh Bank Library wins TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2018
Mr. A K M Nurul Alam, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank Library, Motijheel, Dhaka is a member of developer team of Open Source Library Management and Digitization Software – SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System). He has incorporated Bengali interface in SLiMS successfully and has brought our mother tongue in the international arena of open source library management software movement. Mr. Alam is also an active leader of automation and digitization of libraries and contributing to IT skills development of the library professionals in Bangladesh. That’s why the Executive Committee of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is nominating Mr. A K M Nurul Alam, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank Library, Motijheel, Dhaka for TLT Young Innovative Awards 2018.
TLT Excellence Entrepreneurship Award 2018
Ayesha Abed Library, BRAC University wins TLT Excellence Entrepreneurship Award 2018.

Ayesha Abed Library, BRAC University wins TLT Excellence Entrepreneurship Award 2018
The Ayesha Abed Library at BRAC University aims to become a world-class Knowledge Resource Centre and provide innovative new services and a wider collection of books and resources to the teaching, learning and research communities, using latest technological developments of the 21st century.
BRAC University is the first amongst private and public universities in Bangladesh to implement Koha, DSpace, VuFind, Drupal, Library Mobile Interface and RFID. With this experience the library is now in well positioned to lead any digital information initiatives in Bangladesh. The library is also viewed as a leader in the profession in several selected areas such as digital library development and technology based innovative services.
The library houses approximately 40,000 books in its collection. Library’s website provides online access to a wide variety of information resources including 70,000 e-books and 56,000 journals and research databases. The library employs the latest technologies to improve services and to provide fast and easy access to information. It meets its goals by integrating appropriate technologies with skilled and experienced staff committed to customer service.
TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018
Abdul Gafur Dewan, a veteran Bangladeshi LIS professional wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018.

Abdul Gafur Dewan, a veteran Bangladeshi LIS professional wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018
The veteran LIS professional Mr. Abdul Gafur Dewan was born in 1947 and completed his graduation from the University of Dhaka back in 1968. Later in 1969 and 1970, he obtained his LIS diploma and master’s respectively from the said university.
In his glorious career he has been working in Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Library, Mymensingh since 1974 in various positions and retired as a University Librarian in 2008. Besides, he was a part-time faculty for the Institute of Library & Information science (ILIS) Mymensingh and Darul Ihsan University, Savar campus. He was also acted as an examiner in LIS courses of the University of Dhaka, National University and LAB.
As a veteran LIS Professional, Mr. Dewan participated and presented at numerous national and international conferences, seminars, workshops and symposiums. He visited libraries in the UK and India as an ACU Fellow in 1989 and attended a training course on “Information on Agriculture” in the UK back in 1993. As one of the pioneers Bangladeshi LIS professional, Mr. Dewan was occasionally writing about LIS contemporary issues on the Daily New Nation, the Eastern Librarian and BAU newsletters. He was also the editorial board member of the Eastern Librarian.
As a leading local LIS professional, Mr. Dewan is a life member of LAB and BALID. He is involved with the LAB from its early days and acted as a Vice-President during 1992-94 and President LAB-Mymensingh from 1989-2001. He was also the committee member of numerous organizations and institutions such as BAU Mymensingh, BANSDOC, NASTIP, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University to name but a few!
From The Librarian Times, we wish the best of Luck to Mr. Abdul Gafur Dewan in all of his future endeavors!
Muhammad Saadat Ali- the unsung hero of Bangladeshi LIS profession wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018.

Muhammad Saadat Ali- the unsung hero of Bangladeshi LIS profession wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018
Mr. Muhammad Saadat Ali, one of the untold heroes of the history of Bangladeshi LIS profession. Mr. Ali started his professional career at Bangladesh Army Central Library (BACL) back in 1976 and ended his tenure in 1998 as a Librarian. During his glorious 32 year career at BACL, in addition to his librarianship responsibility, he performed as a co-coordinator and instructor of Army Education Corp (AEC) officers’ course (EOBC) under Army School of Education and Administration and Chief Instructor of Junior Commissioned Officers’ course (BLC) in Army Education Corp. Later on, in 1998 he joined Bangladesh Open University as a Librarian-In-Charge and retired in 2011.
Besides his librarianship career, he was also involved in teaching and training. During 1982-84, he taught library related courses to the BCS officers’ under the supervision of Civilian Officer’s Training Academy (COTA). He performed as a part-time teacher and guest lecturer in postgraduate diploma in Library and Information Science conducted by LAB and later on by National University Bangladesh. He built proactive cooperation with Bangladesh Islamic Foundation (BIF) to empower Imans and offered training on Library Management and Services in ‘Imam Training Academy’ under the auspices of BIF.
Regarding professional affiliations, Mr. Ali is a Life member of Bangla Academy, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, LAB and BALID.
Begum Akhter Jahan, the first ever Bangladeshi LIS professional to become Member of Parliament (MP) wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018.

Begum Akhter Jahan, the first ever Bangladeshi LIS professional to become Member of Parliament (MP) wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018
Begum Akhter Jahan-a librarian, politician, freedom fighter and a social worker hail from Rajshahi. She completed her BA (Hons) and master’s degree from the University of Rajshahi in 1973 and 1974 respectively. Later on, Ms. Jahan obtained her second master from the University of Dhaka in 1985. After awarding her librarianship degree, she started her career at the University of Rajshahi central library and retired from the same institution as a Deputy Librarian and since then she is actively involved in politics. In her glorious political career, she was responsible for the various position of Bangladesh Awami League from division to central. However, the highest achievement came in 2014 when she became MP from the women reserved seats.
Her professional affiliations encompass with the Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB), Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Women Rehabilitation Center and Bangladesh Awami League. Begum Jahan was the elected General Secretary of Rajshahi Divisional Library Association during 1993-1997 and Assistant Secretary of LAB for 1996-97 session.
From TLT, we wish Begum Jahan all the very best in her future endeavors!!
M Shamsul Islam Khan- a living legend of Bangladesh LIS profession wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018.

M Shamsul Islam Khan- a living legend of Bangladesh LIS profession wins TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2018
M.Shamsul Islam Khan, one the living Bangladeshi LIS legends who is also a pioneer of editing and publications management industry of the country. Mr. Khan was actively involved with the Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB) for a decade where he served as a General Secretary and President for two terms each.
In his distinguished professional career over the last 44 years, he worked in three renowned organizations in Bangladesh namely Bangladesh, Central Public Library, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Cholera Research Laboratory (CRL), icddr,b, and currently at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences. During this period, he carried out professional responsibilities in organization and management of libraries and high-quality publications.
Mr. Khan completed his higher secondary education from the reputed Saadat College, Tangail and later obtained his postgraduate degrees from the University of Dhaka and University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh in Information Science and Library Management, and Mass Media and Journalism respectively. M.Shamsul Islam does research in cultural history and history of science. Their most recent publication is ‘Bibliography on diarrhoeal diseases’. Besides a good number of scholarly articles, he was a chapter contributor to a book titled ‘Library and Information Science: Parameters and Perspectives, Vol. 1.
We, the TLT family wish long life to our living legend M. Shamsul Islam Khan!!