The Librarian Times Foundation

Shorter form: TLT Foundation

Purpose of this Foundation: To promote library professional development, award and scholarship arrangement for LIS professionals and ISLM students, provide funding for potential research in LIS, treatment expenditure or donation to library professionals.

Foundation Members: All TLT Editorial Board Members, donors. The editor is the Chairman.

TLT Scholarships

Number of Scholarship: Will be depending based on the availability of fund.

  • Should be ISLM continued student of the University of Dhaka, University of Rajshahi, Noakhali University of Science and Technology, National University. Preference will be given to ISLM honours running institutions.
  • Meritorious and secured good result
  • Financially vulnerable
  • ISLM students having a minimum CGPA 3.30 out of 4.00 may likely apply
  • Applicants must be single/unmarried
  • Endorsement by the department head or department committee.

Scholarship Amount: Tk.3,000/- per month, maybe increased in future.
Terms and Conditions:

  • Sponsored Scholarship
  • The initial term for one year
  • If TLT foundation receives too many applications, then the board will scrutinize or take an interview for final selection
  • TLT will take permission for publishing his name, photograph and other details if required
  • One candidate may get a maximum 1-year scholarship. The scholarship winner will get less priority for the second time. However, the board will take a decision based on TLT foundation financial strength.
  • TLT will follow the calendar year to give scholarship i.e. January to December
  • The application procedure will be started on each of the year 1st November and it will be closed on 30th November
  • TLT will announce the winner/s name for next calendar year at the 3rd week of each December
  • Winner/s should have a current Bank Account; TLT will deposit the scholarship amount at the beginning of each month
  • Winner/s will be monitored by the board during the scholarship period. He/She has to provide his updated semester result
  • If winner/s are involved in any activity which is against the law of the state, then scholarships might be cancelled
  • TLT reserve every right to be continued, cancel etc.


TLT Sponsored Scheme Scholarship Award 2018! 


TLT Award and Nominations

TLT inaugurates a number of awards to encourage library professionals and current Library and Information Science (LIS) students to recognize their enthusiasm, dedication and excellence to the library profession and the accomplishments of exceptional services at school, college, university and public libraries. This is a TLT initiative that aims to fill the gaps in the lack of professional recognition in Bangladesh.

  • TLT foundation will seek nominations in December of each year to announce the names of the awardees in TLT Award and Fun Night.
  • The application procedure will be started in each of the years on 1st December and it will be closed on 20th January.
  • TLT will invite the awardees to participate in TLT Award and Fun Night to receive the award.

TLT foundation will seek nominations for the following awards.

1. TLT Excellence Student Award:
A maximum of two awards for recognizing students in excellence in their studies. Students will be chosen and nominated by the institutions.

The Award Comprises:

  • An award certificate
  • A crest
  • 5000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as an honorarium

A letter of nomination explaining why this nominee is qualified to be recognized in this manner is required from the head of the dept. /chairman.

2. TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award:
This award is BALID nominated. The nominee’s age should be between 25-40 years old. A maximum of one award for Recognizing the attainment of an exceptionally high standard of proficiency in the library and information science and a distinguished contribution to the theory or practice of library and information science.
The Award Comprises:

  • An award certificate
  • A crest
  • 5000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as an honorarium

A letter of nomination must speak explicitly to the nominee’s “significant contributions to the library and information science industry including research, Practical or Theoretical development. The letter must addresses what the contribution is and what makes it significant.

3. TLT Excellence Entrepreneurship Award: (Library of the Year Award)
A maximum of one award for an organization. Nominations will be considered by TLT board which makes the recommendation to the award sponsor.
The Award Comprises:

  • An award certificate
  • A crest
  • 10,000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as an honorarium

4. TLT Excellence Library Professional Award:
This award is LAB nominated. A maximum of two awards for who has been serving the profession for a longer period of time, leading the profession and has a legendary contribution to the library and information and social service sector by an individual. The nomination will be decided by the LAB EC members.

The Award Comprises:

  • An award certificate
  • A crest
  • 5000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as an honorarium

TLT Research Project:

TLT foundation strategically will identify projects or areas of research in LIS to fund which will accelerate a big contribution in developing the library profession and the library and information service sectors in Bangladesh.

TLT research program guideline is now under review. The guideline will provide detailed information about the research project, total fund, duration, the application process, eligibility criteria and the assessment process.

Treatment Allowance
Professionals who are looking for financial assistance for treatment purposes may likely apply by filling up the enclosed format. TLT Foundation can organize an amount based on the availability of fund. The amount will be transferred through the bank account.

TLT foundation will create a fund possible by a generous contribution from donors. It is really very challenging to run such types of charity foundation without the support of donors. TLT board encourages professionals to come forward in assisting the foundation. Anyone can donate to this foundation by accepting an agreement between the foundation and the donors. The foundation will acknowledge the donors on how and when the donated amount will be expended. Donors/philanthropist will be honoured by giving their biographical information to TLT website.

Foundation running:
TLT foundation will be running according to the legal policy prevailing in Bangladesh.