TLT Awards: Call for Nominations 2019
Nominations are invited for The Librarian Times (TLT) Awards 2019.
The award selection committee for The Librarian Times (TLT) Award 2019 will make several awards to the library or information service professionals, students, and Institutions which has, in the opinion of the judging panel, outstanding contribution to the LIS profession, made the most innovative use of information and/or communication technologies to improve service to customers.
All libraries and information services professionals, Academics, Public, Special and Medical Libraries in Bangladesh are eligible for nomination for the Awards. Besides these, individual professional and students are also eligible for the respected categories.
The selection committee will consider the nominations with the following criteria:
- No of individual publications, with categories
- Service to the community
- The academic result with the intention to serve the LIS profession
- Creativity and innovation in developing specific community programs or a dramatic increase in library usage
- Leadership in creating programs that can be emulated by other libraries
All previous winners have gained prestige within their community and national media attention, often resulting in improved relations with the national and international LIS community, local authorities and increased budgets for the library.
Nominations may be made by staff or users of libraries or information services, or by other interested persons. Support in writing from the Head of the nominated organization must be included with the nomination.
Nominations: TLT Awards 2019 selection committee seeks nominations for the following TLT Excellence Awards 2019.
TLT Excellence Student Award 2019:
A maximum of two awards from Dhaka University and Rajshahi University for recognizing students in excellence in their studies.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2019:
The Nominee’s age should be in between 25-40 years old. A maximum of one award for Recognising the attainment of an exceptionally high standard of proficiency in the library and information science and a distinguished contribution to the theory or practice of library and information science.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
A letter of nomination must speak explicitly to the nominee’s “significant contributions to the library and information science industry including research, Practical or Theoretical development. The nomination must address what the contribution is and what makes it significant.
TLT Excellence Academic Librarian Award 2019:
A maximum of one award for a library professional working in an academic library that will get more votes from the open opinion platform.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
TLT Excellence Public Library Award 2019:
A maximum of one award for a library that will get more votes from the open opinion platform.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
TLT Excellence Special Library Award 2019:
A maximum of one award for a library that will get more votes from the open opinion platform.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
TLT Excellence Medical Library Award 2019:
A maximum of one award for who has been serving the profession for a longer period, leading the profession and has a legendary contribution to the medical library an individual.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
TLT Excellence Library Professional Award 2019:
A maximum of one or two awards for who has been serving the profession for a longer period, leading the profession and has a legendary contribution to the library and information and social service sector by an individual.
- An award certificate
- A crest
- 10000.00 BDT equivalent prize bond as the honorarium
The Committee may decide not to make an Award in the event of there being no nominations deemed suitable in the opinion of the judging panel.
The Committee member will not be eligible for any nomination for the award.
Please submit nominations and supporting materials by following this link. Good luck!
The Librarian Times (TLT) Excellence Awards 2019 Final Selection
TLT Excellence Student Award: (LIS student of the year): Md. Atikuzzaman, MA ISLM, DU
TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award: (Young librarian of the year) Md. Mubassir Ahasan, Library-in-charge, Southeast University
TLT Excellence Academic Librarian Award: (Academic Librarian of the Year)
Dil Ruksana Basunia, Deputy Librarian, Chittagong University
TLT Excellence Public Library Award: (Public Library of the Year )
No award this year
TLT Excellence Special Library Award: (Special Library of the Year )
No award this year
TLT Excellence TLT Excellence Medical Library Award: (Medical Librarian of the Year )
Md. Shafiur Rahman, Senior Library Officer, icddr,b
TLT Excellence Library Professional Award (Librarian of the year)
Md. Abdul Hayee Sameni, Librarian, SUST