Mission, vision and background
To overcome the Library and Information Science professional barriers, inspire professionals and contribute to the country by supporting library and information advocacy and undertaking research.
TLT envisions a nation where library and information communities will have the opportunity to attain an excellent platform to build a literate society with collaborative practice.
The Librarian Times was founded on 2nd February 2017, which is focusing on increasing collaboration with Library Association Bangladesh (LAB), Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID), LIS institutes, Government and international LIS organisations to break the professional barriers in Bangladesh. The Librarian Times (TLT) is the first-ever and only professional news bulletin in Bangladesh for the library and information profession. It was decided at the outset that the main objectives of this initiative are to spread knowledge and information to everyone.
The Librarian Times is a non-profit initiative. The board members are working voluntarily to contribute to the profession in a positive way. The editorial board members collect all the weekly news related to libraries, records and archives, knowledge and information management and compile it as a news bulletin. This bulletin is published every Sunday. TLT wants to build excellent communication among library professionals, make good friends and positive interactions by organising training, research seminar, social events like TLT Award and Fun Night.
National and International Collaborations:
TLT also covers professional international news collected from different sources. TLT wants to play a significant role to make a bridge between Bangladeshi and overseas LIS professionals that can foster the idea exchanging and professional development.
We believe that a compelling value strategy, supported by an appropriate evidence base, should be at the heart of all activities to achieve our goals. TLT works on creating the strongest national and global connections with LIS and government organisations. TLT has already been registered with ISSN which is 2616-7026 as part of its international collaboration.
The Librarian Times actively supports any individual or organisations who are working with Open Access, Open Access Policy and Strategy Groups. TLT is also closely working in partnering with government agencies and LIS organisations to assist in policy reforming on copyright, creative commons, national bibliographic database, digital preservation strategies and LIS related unsolved issues.
TLT is currently working on the use of a number of different Creative Commons licenses, in addition to our own simple user terms which can be viewed at http://www.thelibrariantimes.com/terms/ and which permit all users to read.