Event: Seminar on A national-level network for agricultural library and information centers in Bangladesh
Seminar on
A national-level network for agricultural library and information centres in Bangladesh
Organized by: HEQEP CPSF 2184: Modernization of Central Library and Establishment of an E-resource Centre at CVASU
Date: 15 September 2018
Venue: Conference Hall,
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Who should participate?
The Seminar would provide opportunities to meet and hear from library professionals, leaders, LIS faculty members and information scientists from different parts of the country.
Call for Papers:
The seminar welcomes submissions of research and scientific papers, case studies, working papers, etc. related to seminar theme and sub theme. The paper submitted should have been neither published anywhere nor kept under consideration for publication in any form. All papers will go through a review process and accepted papers will be published in the Seminar Proceedings/Edited Book.
The papers should be submitted as an email attachment to:
Details information and author guidelines can be found here