Professor Dr Mofakhkhar Hussain Khan passes away at the age of 82- Bangladesh has lost one of her illustrious sons

Professor Dr Mofakhkhar Hussain Khan (1941-2023)

Bangladesh has lost one of her illustrious sons. Mofakhkhar Hussain Khan was an academic and researcher in the field of Library and Information Sciences. His primary work was cataloguing the translations of the Holy Qur’an, the different languages from Europe to Asia, Africa and beyond. His work has been published in research articles and books, many of which were self-published.
In 2002, his PhD thesis-turned-book published by Bangla Academy, The Bengali Book, won the Best Book award.
Bangla Academy also recognised him in 2018 when he was awarded the ‘Honorarium Crest’ from Ahmed Smriti Pathagar.


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