National Library Day 2023: Smart Library – Smart Bangladesh
Prodip Roy: Editor
February 4, 2023
In 2017, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced February 5 as the National Library Day of Bangladesh. Later the official celebration for the first time was observed the following year, 2018, on the same date. One of the reasons for celebrating February 5 as National Library Day is the historical context, as the foundation stone of the first Central Public Library was laid on February 5, 1954, in Dhaka.
The slogan for 2023 is framed based on Smart Bangladesh’s goal, Smart Library, Smart Bangladesh.
The day is celebrated with various activities, including book exhibitions, seminars and workshops, book readings, signings, discussions, and debates. Various government and non-government organizations, publishers, authors, libraries, and educational institutions participate in the activities to mark the day.
The day is also an opportunity to highlight the role of libraries in preserving Bangladesh’s cultural heritage and its acts as a source of knowledge and information to the people. It is also a reminder to the people of Bangladesh to visit their local library and use its resources to further their education, creativity and cultural understanding.
The day is also marked to honour the librarians and workers who tirelessly work to keep the libraries functioning and ensure that books are available to the public. It is a day of celebration for the entire library community and a reminder to all that knowledge is the key to a prosperous and progressive society.
It is a day to recognize the invaluable role libraries play in promoting the country’s love of reading, knowledge, and education.
Libraries are especially important for children and young people who may need access to books and other learning materials at home.
On behalf of The Librarian Times, we wish a successful and fruitful celebration of National Library Day 2023.