Md. Ahasan Habib
Mr Md. Ahasan Habib is currently working as Assistant Librarian at Islamic University of Technology (IUT), a subsidiary organ of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Before joining at IUT, he also served East West University (EWU) Library and State University of Bangladesh (SUB). Prior entrance to the Librarianship, Mr Ahasan completed his Hons and Master degree from the University of Dhaka in Information Science and Library Management. He also completed Master of Business Administration (MBA) from East West University. Mr Ahasan writes professionals column to Bangladeshi National dailies by highlighting library movement activities, recent trends and prospects of library etc. He is a life member of Bangladesh Association Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists(BALID), and Library Association of Bangladesh(LAB). He actively works the team member of several national events of the library movements.