A five-day-long ASIS&T 2019 annual meeting ends on 23rd October
Prodip Roy AALIA (DCP)
November 3, 2019
The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) previously named as American Society for Information Science and Technology held its 82nd annual meeting at Crown Conference Centre in Melbourne, VIC., Oct. 19–23, 2019. The theme was INFORMATION…ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, ANY WAY.
The event details can be found at https://www.asist.org/am19/
The Opening and Closing Plenary sessions focused on the conference theme ‘ anyone ‘ and ‘ anywhere ‘ Mikaela Jade delivered the opening plenary presentation on ‘ Mixing Reality for Cultural Proliferation, ‘ where she shared her industry experience that successfully engages indigenous women in technology. Similarly, the closing plenary presentation entitled ‘ Changing the Paradigm: Building a Learning Health System Through Disruption Collaboration, ‘ given by, Helena Teede where she highlighted the importance of providing information at the right time and in the right way.