Md Ahasan Habib has been Awarded ASIS & T Infoshare Award 2018
Apu, Dhaka, 26 August 2018
Mr Md. Ahasan Habib has received Infoshare award 2018. The Special interest group for international information issues (SIG/III) is an interest group focusing on international information issues will sponsor him ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) membership.
Mr Ahasan is Library Officer of the Islamic University of Technology (IUT). He is engaged as the Finance Secretary of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) Executive Council 2018-19. He is also an Associate Editor of the Librarian Times (TLT).
The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is the only professional association that bridges the gap between information science practice and research. For nearly 80 years, ASIS&T has been leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information.
ASIS & T members—thousands of researchers, developers, practitioners, students, and professors in the field of information science and technology from 50 countries around the world—have made ASIS&T an important part of their professional development.
Members share a common interest in improving the ways society stores, retrieves, analyzes, manages, archives and disseminates information.
As deserving award winner of ASIST & T, we believe that Mr Ahasan will work a fantastic way to enlighten for Library Professionals of Bangladesh.
Warm and hearty congratulations to Mr Ahasan Habib on his fantastic achievement. TLT family is feeling proud of him.