TLT Editorial Team Attended the OCLC Industry Symposium
M J Abdin, Kuala Lumpur, 26 August 2018
Now, more than ever, libraries around the world are able to collaborate across national borders while simultaneously satisfying regional and local requirements. At the Symposium, speakers presented about original research that explores the shared challenges, opportunities, and trends in this area. Discusses how technologies and resources like WorldCat can power collaboration across regional and global ecosystems, generating greater network efficiencies and providing a more complete view of the world’s collected knowledge. The presenter of this multiple sessions also shared some case studies and examples of OCLC’s latest innovations.
A three-member delegation from TLT editorial board led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prodip Kumar Roy attended the OCLC Industry Symposium on Saturday, 25 August, 13.45 – 15.45 local time, in Conference Hall 3 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Malaysia. The symposium was organised as part of the OCLC’s contribution to IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2018.
Speakers of the session include Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, Membership and Research, Chief Strategist, OCLC, Eric van Lubeek, Vice President, Managing Director, OCLC EMEA and APAC, Axel Kaschte, Product Strategy Director, OCLC EMEA.
At end of the symposium, TLT board met with Axel Kaschte, Product Strategy Director, OCLC EMEA and discuss the potentiality of organising international events and showcasing on different products and services of OCLC with the collaboration of TLT, LIS education institutions and Bangladeshi Library professionals’ body. He suggested preparing and submitting a proposal about potential events and possible collaboration between OCLC and TLT.
Later on, TLT editorial team visited Stand B127 during exhibit hours on opening day of the exhibitions to meet with OCLC officials and learn what’s new with OCLC services and initiatives.
Besides TLT team, a number of Bangladeshi delegates including Professor Dr Nasiruddin Mitul, Mohammad Shakaought Hossain Bhuiyan, Bepin Behary Karmakar was among others participated in the session.