Orientation Program held at the Institute for Library and Information Management (ILIM)

Ahasan, Dhaka, 15 July 2018


The 23rd batch of Post Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Science orientation program was held on Saturday, 06 July 2018 at West Dhanmondi Yusuf High School Campus, Shankar, Dhaka – 1207. Prof. Dr M Ahiduzzaman, Vice-Chancellor, Noakhali Science and Technology University and Chairman, Governing Board of ILIM. Dhaka was the Chief Guest while Mr S.M. Shamsuzzaman, Principal, ILIM chaired the session. Three hundred and forty-two students divided into two sections have got admission for the third batch (session 2018-2019) of Post Graduate Diploma Course and this institute is being affiliated by Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and National University, Bangladesh. Classes will be held thrice in a week from Thursday to Saturday. This time we have seen the age limit (35) for admission criteria. Ten full-time faculty members and a good number of adjunct faculty members have been conducting this course.

The faculty and staff members of the Institute and invited guests were present to make the event successful.


New Public Library launched at Nowpara, Birganj, Dinajpur

Ahasan, Dhaka, 15 July 2018


Nowpara Relatives Staying in Dhaka (NRSID), a nonprofit and voluntary organisation has been working for a long period of time on several social activities for the betterment of village community of Nowpara, Birganj, Dinajpur. This forum donates winter clothes to the villagers per need, publish yearly magazine namely “Prottabarton”, reunion program at Dhaka, and more.  “Let’s read rook and create Enlightened society’, to keep this slogan the said forum has established a Public Library at Nowpara, Birgonj, Dinajpur. The mentioned community-based non-government public library was being inaugurated on 17 June 2018.

Continuing students, forum members, respected persons, patrons, donors were present on that occasion. NRISD Secretary-General and Assistant Vice President of Jamuna Bank Ltd. Mr Nahid Reaz Mithun told The Librarian Times (TLT), “we have started our journey with 702 books and with the cooperation of all we may like to go ahead. Definitely, next generation will get more benefit from it”.

This library remains open between 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm every day with two assigned persons who are in the teaching profession. Mr Nurul Adnan and Mr Anamul Haq serve as the volunteers to conduct the library activities.

Ms Farhana Islam, Ms Taklima Shirin, Mr Raihanul Islam, Ms Sultana Rahaman, Mr Mohaimenul Islam, Mr Fahim Muntasir, Mr.Sakiuz zaman sizan, Mr Ragib Ekhwan and Mr Tasnim Sadat are continuously cooperating and assisting tremendously for NRSID successes.  In the new library, there are varieties of collections including renowned translated work, historic, child literature, religious, novel, drama, cultural, motivational, Muktijoddo affairs, world’s best seller, reference etc. The Library members are availing borrowing facilities. Different ages of people including primary school level children are taking the opportunity of the library facilities.

One of the TLT board members has been continuously guiding the library team since the beginning of this initiative in terms of organization, collection, and accreditation of the library.

It is also mentioned that Nowpara Village has already accredited as the idle village of Dinajpur District. This village has a school, college, post office, medical dispensary, Shahid Minar (First at Birganj Upazila), orphanage, aesthetic and historic Mosque, Graveyard, pollution free and scenic atmosphere. Adding the new non-government public library, this village has become now more distinguished. Twenty-Eight registered members who are living in Dhaka are regularly contributing and giving time for upward mobility of this forum by doing several realistic activities.

We congratulate and appreciate each of the members of this forum on their ongoing activities towards the community.


Library Workshop held at BANBEIS, Dhaka

Ahasan, Dhaka, 15 July 2018

Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) organised a Dissemination Workshop called “Study on Status of Library Facilities and Use in Secondary Education of Bangladesh” on 9 July 2018 at BANBEIS Conference Room, Dhaka. The Chief Guest of the event was Dr Aruna Biswas, Additional Secretary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Division, the Ministry of Education while Mr Md. Fashiullah, Director General, BANBEIS chaired the session. The five professional library experts, NGO representative, Ministry of Education expert, Bishasahito Kendro representatives, representatives from colleges, delivered speeches and provided their valuable opinions on the ongoing program at the mentioned workshop.

Prize and Certificate Award Session Held at Jhalakathi District Government Public Library

Ahasan, Dhaka, 15 July 2018

Jhalakathi District Government Public Library organized several activities including competitions on book reading, easy writing, recitation, and drawing on the occasion of Independence Day and National Day of Bangladesh, Bangla New Year, and 119th Birth Anniversary of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. To give the awards and certificates, the library authority organized a prize and certificate award session on Wednesday 4 July 2018 at District Government Public Library, Jhalakathi.

Mr Md. Sohidul Islam, District Administrator (In Charge), Jhalakathi was the Chief Guest while Dr Md. Shamim Ahsan, Assistant Professor, Jhalakathi Government Women’s College, Dr Imdadul Haq Mamun, Instructor, Technical School and College, Jhalakathi, Mr Md. Hedaid Uddin Himu, Cultural Personality and Jhalakhati district correspondent, Bangladesh Television were the special guests at the event. Mr Khalid Muhammad Saifullah, Librarian, Jhalakathi District Government Public Library presided over the ceremony.

The different age group students from several educational institutions took part in the mentioned program.

Prize and Certificate Award Session Held at Sylhet Divisional Government Public Library

Ahasan, Dhaka, 4 July 2018

Sylhet Divisional Government Public Library organized several competitions including Book reading, Easy Writing, Recitation, and Drawing on the occasion of Intendance Day and National Day of Bangladesh, Bangla New Year, and 119th Birth Anniversary of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. To give award and certificate to the competition winners, the library organised a Prize and Certificate Award Session on 30 June 2018 at Seminar Room of Sylhet Divisional Government Public Library, Sylhet.

Mr Abdul Hayee Sameni, Librarian, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) was the Chief Guest while Mr Shawkat Ali, Principal Librarian, Sylhet Divisional Government Public Library presided over the event. Different age groups of several educational institutions continuing students took part of the mentioned event.  To form a bridge to the community and public library this kind of events are received appreciation to all. The National budget of Bangladesh 2018-2019, the Bangladesh Govt. has allocated fund to organise this types of event again.

Therefore, this special celebration will be continued and the District and Divisional Public Library will be organising the similar type of events in the future.

An Orientation Program Held at Gazipur Library Science and Professional Institute

Ahasan, Dhaka, 4 July 2018

An Orientation Program of the third batch of Post Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Science was held on Saturday, 30 June 2018 at Gazipur Library Science and Professional Institute, Gazipur. Professor Zarina Sultana, Bhawal Badra Alam Government College was the Chief Guest while Advocate Rezaur Rahman Laskar (Mith), Vice-Chairman, Kapasia Upazilla Parishad was Special Guest. Mr Md. Anwar Hossain, Principal, Gazipur Library Science and Professional Institute delivered the welcome speech. Principal AKM Moksedur Rahman, Chairman, Gazipur Library Science and Professional Institute presided over the event. One hundred and twenty students have enrolled in the third batch (session 2018-2019) for Post Graduate Diploma Course. This is an affiliated institute by the National University, Bangladesh. Faculty and staff members of the Institute, other invited guests were present to make the event successful.

Alauddin Talukder Education Scholarship introduced

Nonigopal, RU, 4 July 2018

Alauddin Talukder Education Scholarship has been introduced in the Department of Information Science and Library Management of Rajshahi University. A signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and a check of Tk 10 lakh was handed over to the Deans Complex on Tuesday, 3 July 2018. This scholarship will be given to 5 meritorious and deserving students of the graduate (Honors) and postgraduate degrees in the department every year. Alauddin Talukder (Late) a Former Librarian (1983-1986) of Rajshahi University.

Professor M. Abdus Sobhan, Vice Chancellor, RU attended the event as the chief guest while Professor Ananda Kumar Saha, Pro Vice-Chancellor RU attended the event as the special guest. Professor Md. Fakhrul Islam, Dean, Social Science Faculty and the education Scholarship Donor Ms Hasina Talukder were present in the event while Dr Mohammad Khalid Alam, chairman, Department of Information Science and Library Management presided over the program. Professor Md. Shariful Islam also spoke on the occasion.


Dr Golam Mostafa awarded ETD 2018 Taiwan Conference Travel Scholarship

Nonigopal, RU, 4 July 2018

Dr Md. Golam Mostafa, Deputy Librarian, University of Rajshahi has been awarded a Travel Grants to attend the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2018): “Beyond the Boundaries of Rims and Oceans: Globalizing Knowledge with ETDs” will be held from 26 – 28 September 2018 at Taipei, Taiwan. He will present a paper titled “Status of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Services in the Three Public University Libraries in Bangladesh: An Overview.”

This Travel Scholarship was announced on May 31st, 2018

Other winners


Dr Dilara Begum receives World Education Congress Global Awards

Ahasan, Dhaka, 7 July 2018

World Education Congress Global Awards (for excellence in education, leadership and teaching) 7th Edition was held on 5-6 July 2018 at Taj Lands End, Bandra (West), Mumbai, India.

In the said event, Dr Dilara Begum, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Information Studies and Library Management and Librarian (Acting) East West University, Dhaka has been awarded the prestigious award “Prof. Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders.” The award has been given to 50 women who are contributing for the betterment of their sectors. ‘World Education Congress’ award is generally given to the persons who contribute for changing social values and lives of large numbers of people.


It is indeed a great achievement of our profession. On the behalf of TLT Congratulations to Dr Dilara Begum.


BdREN and its Library connectivity and services

Ahasan, Dhaka, 4 July 2018

The University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh On behalf of the Ministry of Education (MoE), is currently implementing the Bangladesh Research and Education Network (BdREN) under the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) with assistance of the World Bank.  It Connects all universities, research institutions, libraries, laboratories, healthcare and agricultural institutions across the country and to support geographically dispersed academics, scientists and researchers with reliable access to high-end computing, simulation tools and datasets. BdREN will eventually be operated by a Non-profit Trust organization with a board of trustees consisting of representatives from the universities/user communities. BdREN offers different services like Digital Library Access, Cloud Computing, Training and Capacity Building, Unified Communications, Consultancy etc.

 Recent Event:

A two-day International Symposium from 2nd and 3rd July 2018 on “Tech-cultural Exchange Beyond CP: Cultural Transformation in Digital Ecosystem” was held at the Samson H. Chowdhury Centre, Dhaka Club. BdREN arranged the symposium under the auspices of Asia@Connect Project administered by Trans Eurasia Information Network*Corporation Centre (TEIN*CC), South Korea. Professor Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, opened the symposium as the chief guest with Professor Dr Md. Akhtar Hossain, Member, UGC, in the chair. AKM Habibur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Research and Education Network (BdREN), delivered the welcome address at the inaugural ceremony of the symposium on 2nd July 2018.
Faridah Noor Mohd Noor, chair of the eCulture Working Group of Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), gave an introduction to the keynote speaker. Daeyoung Kim, former professor of Chungnam National University, spoke on the Experiences and challenges of cyber performance at the inaugural session of the symposium.
In the 2nd session of the day three presentations on ‘Implementing experience of cyber performance in Vietnam’, ‘Implementing experience of cyber performance in India and some new idea for cyber performance’, and ‘Mediatization of culture’ were made respectively by Nguyen Hong, Director of the Advanced Science and Technology Information Network Centre of Vietnam, Hari Krishna Atluri, Assistant Director of EARNET, India and Dr. ASM Asaduzzaman, Associate Professor of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Dhaka University. Faridah Noor Mohd Noor, chair of the eCulture Working Group of Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), was the moderator of this session. IT professionals, faculty members of public and private universities and cultural activist are attending the symposium.

Day 2 (July 3 2018)

Alain Baumann, a French composer, media artist, programmer and developer of innovative audiovisual instruments, is delivering a presentation on “When art meets network: new formats for the performing arts” at the second day.

2nd session of the second day, the session was moderated by Boncheol Goo, Special Researcher, Institute for High Technology in Jelu National University, South Korea and also the Co-Chair of APAN e-Culture Working Group. Boncheol Goo also delivered a presentation on ‘Network delay as a new media’ in the session. Another presentation in the session was delivered by Alain Baumann, a French composer, media artist, programmer and developer of innovative audiovisual instruments, on “When art meets network: new formats for the performing arts”. Rosa Sánchez, a multidisciplinary and multi-media artist & choreographer of Spain made the last presentation in the session on “Drawing lines for a cooperative world”.

The and last session of the symposium was on “Future of cyber performance” which was moderated by the Nguyen Hong Van, Director of the Advance Science and Technology Information Network Centre of Vietnam. Faridah Noor Mohd Noor, chair of the e Culture Working Group of Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), delivered a presentation on “Cyber Performances – Challenges and Opportunities for the Future” while AKM Habibur Rahman, Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Research and Education Network made a presentation on “Sustainability of Networked Performance” in the session. Bhushan Raj Shrestha, founder chairman of Nepal Research and Education Network delivered a presentation on Cyber-performance – A New Perspective for Cultural Transformation in the session.

The programme was ended with a fascinating cultural show followed by a dinner at the said event. Professor Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, Professor Dr Md. Akhtar Hossain and Professor Dr Dil Afroza Begum, Members, UGC, officials and consultants of UGC and HEQEP joined the event along with delegates from different parts of the world.

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