TLT Research Seminar: Scholarly Productivity of Library and Information Science Research in Bangladesh: A Bibliometric Study from 1971 – 2020
This research seminar aims to discuss about the recent research article on the LIS Scholarly Productivity in Bangladesh. Through engaging researchers and topics, we hope to spark dialogue and relationship across Bangladeshi LIS academic and professional’s community for a justifiable future.
Since the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, LIS Faculty members, practitioners and researchers have published widely in many leading LIS journals and conferences some of which are listed by WoS and SCOPUS. Publishing trends has shown positive growth during the last two decades. As per the Scimago journal and country rank (2019), there are only fifteen Bangladeshi scholarly journals are listed. Bangladesh’s two LIS journals, ‘The Eastern Librarian’ ‘Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science’, both journals are irregular and not indexed by Scopus, or listed in Scimago journal ranking. We, LIS faculties, researchers and practitioners in Bangladesh do not know the ratio of publication visibility in the leading global outlet.
To examine the LIS publications from 1971 to 2020, we have come up with a few research questions:
- How many LIS publications have been published by the Bangladeshi LIS researchers during 1971-2020?
- What are the authorship and collaboration patterns of LIS researchers?
- What authors have the highest number of citations, publications and which ten papers were the top-cited papers?
- Which are the most productive LIS schools? Where do the Bangladeshi LIS researchers publish most?
- What are the major research topics represented in the publications?
To answer this question, bibliographic information of LIS publications of Bangladeshi authors have been collected between 1971 to 2020. We collected the bibliographic information of all LIS publications from SCOPUS and WoS databases. Then, we compiled, cleaned and finalized all publication information. VOSviewer software was used to carry out the science mapping of bibliometric networks. The data compiled and findings will benefit current Bangladeshi LIS researchers and practitioners to assess areas of focus by highlighting, what they have, what they lack, and how they could grow to get direction for future research.
This talk will review on the current scenario and will explain some of the most urgent challenges of publishing in the flagship journals.
The presenter will speak for about 30 minutes, followed by time for questions.
Host: The Librarian Times
Md. Shariful Islam, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept. of Information Science and Library Management
University of Rajshahi
Md. Shiful Islam, Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Information science and Library Management
University of Dhaka
S. M. Zabed Ahmed, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Information science and Library Management
University of Dhaka
Keynote Speaker
Md. Anwarul Islam, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Information Science & Library Management
University of Dhaka
When: 26 June, Saturday, 3:00 pm (Dhaka Time)
Registration link: Register here.